A youth and family program for comprehensive, coordinated care
Confronting the complex needs of a child or young adult with mental or behavioral health issues, developmental disabilities or other challenges is one of the hardest things you can face as a parent. At Stark County Family Council, we want you to know that you do not have to face this alone: there are resources available to provide the support structure you need to get help for your child and family.
All of the county Family and Children First Councils are mandated (ORC 121.37) to provide a service coordination process to serve children/youth who have complex needs, are involved in multiple systems and/or at risk for out of home placement. Stark County Family Council has chosen to implement the evidence-based model of service coordination called High Fidelity Wraparound.
The Wraparound Program serves children/youth, ages 0 through 21 (though most commonly applying to school-aged children and up). Eligible youth include those who have complex needs that are not being adequately met and have been involved in two or more of the following systems:
They will also have reached a level of urgency requiring additional service coordination.
(Wraparound services may also be considered for single system youth who are at imminent risk of placement in a more restrictive setting as determined by an initial risk screen and ongoing assessment.)
Wraparound services differ from many delivery strategies, in that it provides a comprehensive, holistic, youth and family-driven way of responding when children or youth experience serious mental health or behavioral challenges. Wraparound services put the child/youth and family at the center. With support from a team of professionals, the family’s ideas and perspectives about what they need and what will be helpful drive all of the work in Wraparound.
The child/youth and their family members work with a Wraparound facilitator to build their Wraparound team, which can include the family’s friends and people from the wider community, as well as providers of services and supports. With the help of the team, the family and young person take the lead in deciding a team vision and goals and in developing creative and individualized services and supports that will help them achieve those goals. Team members work together to put the plan into action, monitor how well it’s working and change it as needed.
For more information regarding High Fidelity Wraparound services, watch this video below. Then give us a call to find out if our youth and family program is right for you.
If you feel that Wraparound services would be beneficial for your child and family, or a child and family you are serving, complete the following steps to submit a referral:
We are committed to serving families of all abilities. If you are unable to complete the electronic referral process, please contact us for assistance at (330) 492-8136 extension 1480.
As outlined in Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 121.37 (C), each Family and Children First Council "shall develop a county service coordination mechanism. The county service coordination mechanism shall serve as the guiding document for coordination of services in the county."
The Stark County Family Council Service Coordination Mechanism can be found here:
For stronger youth and stronger families
Stark County Family Council has had an enormous impact on child and family outcomes in Stark County. Our number one priority is helping families obtain and sustain wellness and stay together. Our efforts have increased our county's ability to maximize resources, generate additional state and federal revenue, develop needed programs and services and build capacity to serve children and families.
When the families of Stark County win, we all win.